There's a restaurant I frequent in Toronto, Il Gato Nero, that has one of the best pizza's I have ever tasted. It's so simple in ingredients, yet full of so much flavour. A relative to the owner, who also works there, had seen me order this pizza time and time again and had told me a story of where this pizza recipe had come from. If I have my story correct, it goes something like this. This pizza originated in the owner's home town of Naples, Italy, in a tiny pizza shop there. And although this pizza shop in Italy only carries 2 types of pizza's, the line up out the door never seems to shorten. And I can understand why!

Pizza is one of my favorite foods, and I have occasionally made pizza at home, loading them up with any leftover vegetables and cheeses in my fridge. They can be fairly inexpensive to pick up, so if I were to make one at home, I usually cheat a little since all the ingredients can really start to add up in costs and with letting the dough rise, it could take some time to make. I usually keep a can or two of pizza sauce, in my pantry, bags of dough purchased at the local grocer can be kept in your freezer, and any leftover bits of veggies in your fridge will do. If you like pepperoni or other meats on your pizza, you can also keep those in your freezer for those pizza craving moments.
This time I cheated.
I had a bag of dough thawing in the fridge and it had started to rise quickly. I took a walk to the local butcher (who also carried fresh cheese) and bought a ball of fior di latte mozzarella went. I pulled the dough out of the fridge, let it warm up so it could continue to rise and opened a can of pizza sauce. Ok, pizza sauce is really easy to make, but what's easier than opening a can of sauce and dumping it on? I usually have some can's of pizza sauce, tomato paste, and sauce on hand since you can do almost anything with them. Today, I didn't want to waste time.
So I had my ball of store bought whole wheat dough rolled out onto my pizza stone, slapped on the pizza sauce, and sliced up the ball of fior di latte mozzarella and placed over the sauce. There's so much flavour in this cheese that you don't need to much of it to make it taste great. The final touch was the basil out of the garden and then sprinkled some dried oregano (just for fun) and popped it into the oven. It took less than 20 minutes, but you'll have to keep an eye on your pizza. The cheese shouldn't go too brown, and you can also check to see if it's ready by using your lifter to check under the pizza, that should start going brown. You just want to make sure the dough is baked. If you've let the dough rise for some time, your crust will be thick and the pizza might take a bit longer to bake and if the dough is a thin crust, it won't take as long. Got it? You can't really go wrong!

If you had a bit more time and wanted to make this from scratch, here are some recipes.
For the dough:
1 (25 oz) package of active dry yeast
1 tsp white sugar
1 cup warm water
2 1/2 cups flour
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
Dissolve the yeast in the warm water and let stand for 5 minutes
Then add the remaining ingredients and mix by had or by mixer (or just throw it all in a bread maker)
Kneed dough for about 10 minutes until smooth and elastic.
Coat the inside of another bowl with Olive Oil and place the dough in the bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let sit in a warm place to rise for about an hour.
I haven't tried making pizza sauce from scratch, but this is as close as I've come
Pizza Sauce:
1 can of tomato paste
using tomato paste can, measure 1 can of warm water
1 tbsp honey
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried italian seasonings
1 clove minced garlic
2 tbsp parmasan
Place all ingredients in a small pot and place on stove top turning it to Medium heat and let simmer for at least half an hour while stirring occasionally. You can adjust the seasonings to your liking. Add different herbs, more garlic, make it spicy! Whatever you like!

Pizza is one of my favorite foods, and I have occasionally made pizza at home, loading them up with any leftover vegetables and cheeses in my fridge. They can be fairly inexpensive to pick up, so if I were to make one at home, I usually cheat a little since all the ingredients can really start to add up in costs and with letting the dough rise, it could take some time to make. I usually keep a can or two of pizza sauce, in my pantry, bags of dough purchased at the local grocer can be kept in your freezer, and any leftover bits of veggies in your fridge will do. If you like pepperoni or other meats on your pizza, you can also keep those in your freezer for those pizza craving moments.
This time I cheated.
I had a bag of dough thawing in the fridge and it had started to rise quickly. I took a walk to the local butcher (who also carried fresh cheese) and bought a ball of fior di latte mozzarella went. I pulled the dough out of the fridge, let it warm up so it could continue to rise and opened a can of pizza sauce. Ok, pizza sauce is really easy to make, but what's easier than opening a can of sauce and dumping it on? I usually have some can's of pizza sauce, tomato paste, and sauce on hand since you can do almost anything with them. Today, I didn't want to waste time.
So I had my ball of store bought whole wheat dough rolled out onto my pizza stone, slapped on the pizza sauce, and sliced up the ball of fior di latte mozzarella and placed over the sauce. There's so much flavour in this cheese that you don't need to much of it to make it taste great. The final touch was the basil out of the garden and then sprinkled some dried oregano (just for fun) and popped it into the oven. It took less than 20 minutes, but you'll have to keep an eye on your pizza. The cheese shouldn't go too brown, and you can also check to see if it's ready by using your lifter to check under the pizza, that should start going brown. You just want to make sure the dough is baked. If you've let the dough rise for some time, your crust will be thick and the pizza might take a bit longer to bake and if the dough is a thin crust, it won't take as long. Got it? You can't really go wrong!

If you had a bit more time and wanted to make this from scratch, here are some recipes.
For the dough:
1 (25 oz) package of active dry yeast
1 tsp white sugar
1 cup warm water
2 1/2 cups flour
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
Dissolve the yeast in the warm water and let stand for 5 minutes
Then add the remaining ingredients and mix by had or by mixer (or just throw it all in a bread maker)
Kneed dough for about 10 minutes until smooth and elastic.
Coat the inside of another bowl with Olive Oil and place the dough in the bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let sit in a warm place to rise for about an hour.
I haven't tried making pizza sauce from scratch, but this is as close as I've come
Pizza Sauce:
1 can of tomato paste
using tomato paste can, measure 1 can of warm water
1 tbsp honey
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried italian seasonings
1 clove minced garlic
2 tbsp parmasan
Place all ingredients in a small pot and place on stove top turning it to Medium heat and let simmer for at least half an hour while stirring occasionally. You can adjust the seasonings to your liking. Add different herbs, more garlic, make it spicy! Whatever you like!
I so want to make this because it looks so good - probablly due in part to the fantastic photogrphy - but I'm still going to give it a go.